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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Drama Blog #6

Why are there so many books, movies, documentaries,
etc. about the Holocaust? Why do we keep retelling this

The Holocaust was a significant time in history when the Jews
were sent to concentration camps and were tortured because
of racism or prejudice. It was very important, so we even learn
it in Social Studies and in Reading as well. Holocaust was left
in many different ways; through textbooks, through movies such
as Anne Frank Remembered and documentaries. We keep on
retelling this story because it was a time in history that still affects
us in a way. Everyone should know about it....how the Jews went
through hard times and that there shouldn't be another time like
this. Jews might not like this idea because it can bring back bad
memories, but it is also another way of finding more information
about the Holocaust.

Drama Blog # 5 - M

If you could interview survivors of the Holocaust,
what would you ask them?

  • How did you survive during the Holocaust? It would have been very hard because the soldiers checked buildings very thoroughly.

  • How did you feel whenever you thought that you might be found?

  • Did you ever think that you would survive?

  • What comes to mind as you think of the days you went through?
  • Were you able to listen to the radio and get current news about the war?
  • How can you describe the Holocaust from your point of view as a Jew?
  • How do you feel about Anne Frank's Diary?
  • Where were some of your family?Were you apart from each other?

Drama Blog #5 - G

Act 1: Scence 4, 5: Anne is a dynamic character; that
is, she changes in the course of the play. What does
Anne's gift giving reveal about her? How did her gifts
to her mother and peter show that she has changed?

Anne was at first very hyper and fooling around, making all
kind of noise and fuss, but as time passed, Peter started to
adjust into her and she became more mature. she didn't
fooled around as much and actually started to think of other
people. When she prepared presents for Hanukkah, she
even gave it to people who she fought and didn't like. This
was showing compassion to others and that Anne wasn't
the Anne when she first came into the annex. To her mother,
she gives a 10-hour of doing what she is told to do, and for
Peter, she prepared a little toy for her cat. Peter had this
unexpected because Peter and Anne had conflicts when
they first met; they fought with words and didn't get along
very well. However, Anne became more mature as she
adjusted herself with the other people in the annex.

Drama Blog #5 - E

Act1, Scenes 4, 5: How do the events following
Anne's nightmare reveal tensions between Anne
and two other members of the household?

When Anne had a nightmare, it was about Anne being
taken away by the Nazis and the Green Police who
found them and was taking her to the concentration camp.
She probably had this dream because she was thinking
of it and having stress on it. When Mrs. Frank came to
calm her down, she asked for her father to come, but she
kind of stopped for a while and then called him. I think
she was kind of upset because she thinks that Anne
likes father more than her, so there is a little tension
between Mr. Frank and Mrs. Frank. "Mrs. Frank (after
a second) Of course Anne dear." (pg 398) Margot saw
Mrs. Frank get a little bit upset, so she tries to comfort
her by saying "Most girls go through it... they turn to their
fathers at this age . . . they give all their love to their
fathers."(pg399). However, Mrs. Frank still wasn't satisfied,
but just wanted Anne to be okay. Fortunately, this didn't
affect the relationship of Mr. Frank and Mrs. Frank, but there
was a little tension because of Anne's nightmare.

Drama Blog #5 - B

Act 1, Scenes 1-3 : What do you think would
be the hardest part of life in the Secret Annex:
the fear of discovery, the need to keep silent
for hours at a time, the sharing of cramped
quarters with strangers, or some other aspect?

I think the hardest part of life in the Secret Annex would
be the fare of getting discovered by the soldiers. Keeping
silent for hours at time, sharing of cramped quarters with
strangers and living in the annex would all be hard for the
Franks and Van Daans, but most of all, they have to work
hard in order to not get discovered. If i were to hide from
them, I wouldn't have been able to stay quiet and live
comfortabely because i would have had the awkward
feeling that won't keep me still. I wouldn't know what is
happening in the outside world, and you don't know if
you would be soon released or you are in danger. However,
basically everything would have been hard for them because
its not easy to do any of those without some hardships.

Drama Blog #5 - A

Act I: “But always remember this, Anneke. There are
no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone
can put on your mind.” Explain what you think this
statement means. Do you agree with this statement?
Why or why not?
I think this statement means that Anne will not have anymore
"bolts" and "locks" which are the things that hold her or give
stress during her normal times. Going to school, doing
homework, getting spanked from her mother would be some
things that would have been considered as the bolts and locks
that might go on Anne's mind. This means that no one can
control or tell Anne to do certain things with physical force.
Anne has some freedom in the Annex by organizing her own
time and doing whatever is appropriate at times. I agree with
this statement strongly, but I also disagree because she is not
100% free but she is still in the hands of her father and mother
. Whenever she does some things wrong that affects the other
family, their parents scorn her, but not as much because they
are already living in a harsh condition in the annex. That is why
she doesn't have bolts or locks, but this doesn't mean she is
perfectly free.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Drama Blog #4: c. Dramatic Irony

WHat do we know as we read Anne's diary that Anne
does not know? How does the dramatic irony make
you feel?

In the play, Anne cannot get out of the annex, so she doesn't
have any information from the outside. We can know what is
happening during that time in Germany, such as the Nazis
forcing the Jews into the death camp later on. Anne probably
didn't know how dangerous it was but as readers, we know
this and it makes us think that Anne is pitiful. She was wanting
to publish her diary in the future, but she died and she doesn't
know whether her dream became true. Today, she is quite
admired by people who want to know about the Holocaust

Friday, April 25, 2008

Drama Blogs #3 : Theme

3)What is the author's message to the planet?
What is the theme?

I think the theme for this story is about Anne's dream
and how she lived through the hard times and the
secrets that kept her. It might just be an 13 year old
girl, but she actually went through hard times which
were recorded in her diary. She wanted freedom from
the secret annex and the play talks about what and
how she acted to the events in the annex. The girl was
very happy and crazy, but she became dark and a little
frightened as time passed

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Drama Blogs #2

2) What is prejudice? Where in the world have you seen
prejudice? What are the effects of prejudice?

Prejudice is judging someone by just their looks and it is also
called bias. I have seen prejudice in some places where there
are blacks and whites together. They might be together but
some of them just totally ignore the "other" ethnic group. The
effects of prejudice are that it can cause some conflicts among
people as I have seen before in other places. When I think of
prejudice, Martin Luther King Jr. comes to my head and his
speech on "I have a dream". I don't think prejudice should be
used by people.

Drama Blogs: #1

1) What do you know already about the Holocaust?
I've heard of the Holocaust that it was during the World War
2 in Germany. German people brought the Jews and tortured
them by gathering them into a gas tank and make them suffer.
I think it was an act of prejudice & racism. I don't know why it
is called the Holocaust but it was a very bad time and there
was a diary left by Anne Frank, who was in part of it. I've heard
people talking about the book and I also heard about it in the
news as well. We will be learning about it in class so I will learn
a lot from this unit.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

So Far From the Bamboo Grove (3rd Post)

I recommend this book, So Far from the Bamboo
Grove, because it talks about the Japanese who
were living in Korea, and going through conflicts
in a Japanese point of view. When I first read this,
there were some points in the book that I thought
didn't make sense or was a little different because
Koreans think Japan had a bad relationship, but in
the story some parts include Korea and Japan actually
friendly to each other. However, it still shows how
the Japanese had hard times during the war and
how Yoko and her sister carries out their lives after
their mother dies. At first, the book seemed boring
because I was expecting a boring novel. However,
the book was fun and I enjoyed reading it. It doesn't
just talk about the history of the past, but a real story
from the author. I think this book was interesting and
it wouldn't be bad for you to read once in a while.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Character: So Far From the Bamboo Grove

The characters in our story are mainly Yoko, Ko, mother
and Hideyo. However Yoko, Ko, and Mother were all together
and traveled together during the war. They went throught
many conflicts and tried to cover themselves from being
Japanese. Hideyo was off alone because he wasn't able to
move with the family. HE was one week behind and it
doesn't really talk a lot about him. I wanted to know more
of what happens to him but it was usually about Yoko/ko/
mother's point of view. Yoko changes when she saw how Ko
acted and that they were having a hard time. She began to
understand somethings that she didn't know and acted a
little bit more compassionate than before. mother was i
mpressed at Ko's act of compassion and wanted Yoko to be
like her too. There was a great change when her mother
died and Yoko, and Ko were sad. This was until chapter 8
and i wonder what happeend to Hideyo

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Setting-So far from the Bamboo Grove

The setting of the story is in North Korea, in the
small town of Nanam, in the beginning. A few
chapters later, they had to move down to Seoul
because of the soldiers that were coming. However,
the setting is mostly in the railroad for Yoko, Ko and
her mother because they came off the hospital train
and started walking down. If the setting had been
different, the story would have been different.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


My secret is when I did homework in 7th grade,
sometimes I used to listen to music when my
mom said i shouldn't. I listened to music and did
homework, which I thought it helped me more
on concentrating, while my mom wasn't watching.
When she comes in my room, I quickly took my
earphones out and just acted like i was just doing
homework. Now, i dont do it anymore because it
actually distracts me. I dont think its really a secret
but still, i have no other secrets that i could think of...

Monday, March 3, 2008


When I was in 1st grade, this happened to me. This was
when I just came back from America and started attending
Korean School for the first time. I knew it would be different
and I wasn't very good at Korean at that time so it was hard
for me to adjust there. After having a hard time with a semester
of Korean school, I was tired at this and then I just went to
my mom and said that I wanted to go to an American school
or an international school. I knew about the international school
because I sometimes heard my mom and dad talking about it.
I was only 2nd grade by then, but I still asked for it because my
parents also knew that I had a hard time in Korean School. After
I came to TCIS, it felt much better and atleast it felt more like
America. Since then, I have been attending TCIS. I had the courage
to move schools and I felt I had more braveness than before.