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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Drama Blog #5 - G

Act 1: Scence 4, 5: Anne is a dynamic character; that
is, she changes in the course of the play. What does
Anne's gift giving reveal about her? How did her gifts
to her mother and peter show that she has changed?

Anne was at first very hyper and fooling around, making all
kind of noise and fuss, but as time passed, Peter started to
adjust into her and she became more mature. she didn't
fooled around as much and actually started to think of other
people. When she prepared presents for Hanukkah, she
even gave it to people who she fought and didn't like. This
was showing compassion to others and that Anne wasn't
the Anne when she first came into the annex. To her mother,
she gives a 10-hour of doing what she is told to do, and for
Peter, she prepared a little toy for her cat. Peter had this
unexpected because Peter and Anne had conflicts when
they first met; they fought with words and didn't get along
very well. However, Anne became more mature as she
adjusted herself with the other people in the annex.

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