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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Drama Blog #6

Why are there so many books, movies, documentaries,
etc. about the Holocaust? Why do we keep retelling this

The Holocaust was a significant time in history when the Jews
were sent to concentration camps and were tortured because
of racism or prejudice. It was very important, so we even learn
it in Social Studies and in Reading as well. Holocaust was left
in many different ways; through textbooks, through movies such
as Anne Frank Remembered and documentaries. We keep on
retelling this story because it was a time in history that still affects
us in a way. Everyone should know about it....how the Jews went
through hard times and that there shouldn't be another time like
this. Jews might not like this idea because it can bring back bad
memories, but it is also another way of finding more information
about the Holocaust.

1 comment:

LeonJJ said...

I disagree that these medias are made to tell and transmit information, but to remind ourselves. A way to make sure that we do not have prejudice in our own lives, and also it probably has the meaning to stop the history from repeating itself. To show what prejudice can do to people, and how we should not do it ourselves.